Saturday, March 20, 2010

different to the last time ..

I've been reflecting on how different the solo journey I start tomorrow, which will eventually see me in New Zealand, will be to my first journey to NZ when I was 9. That was a family trip, six weeks by sea to a new country so Dad could manage the building of a cement works in what is now a National Park. We stayed in a London hotel before travelling to Southampton to board the SS Corinthic. Lots of firsts for all of us .. certainly we children had never spent the night in such a posh place.  There was quite a send off as the ship left -Grandma amongst the many others waving from the dockside and then excitement of sleeping in bunks in our own cabin. Our days were full of activities, deck quoits became Mum's forte and she looked stunning  in her new clothes. I can picture her now in a frothy yellow ball gown and silky cocktail dress ... all stored in a cabin trunk that opened up like a wardrobe!   King Neptune reigned as we  'crossed the line' with appropriate ceremony and we watched in amazement as the lock gates let us through the Panama Canal.
I can't believe that my flights via the US & Australia will leave such an impression but who knows ... its time to strap the suitcase and eat the last apple.

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