Saturday, March 27, 2010

A great day in snowy Colorado

I've had a great day with Elizabeth, Jim, Katherine and Edward; visits to Dinosaur Ridge, Red Rock Theatre and the  Bug Museum as the weather closed in and the snow came down. I'm told this is typical Colorado and the next two days will be fine.P1000655There were plenty of Dinosaur footprints and bones on show on the Ridge and the Red Rocks provide a wonderful open air auditorium and some great views of Denver.   P1000668
We had a Mexican lunch in Morrison City –good food that I could get used to. In the Bug Museum I was introduced to Rosie the Tarantula who walks across your hand with a gentle tickle. P1000679
We warmed up in the Butterfly House where Edward made good use of his new magnifying glass. P1000685
Jim chose the scenic route home so I could visit Buffalo Bill’s mountain top burial site. The higher peaks of the Rockies were hidden behind the fog but the Bison were out feeding lower down the slopes.

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